Pageworks (Wandzeitung)

Exhibtion and publishing experiment
April 28 – June 14, 2018

Pageworks (Wandzeitung) is the next manifestation of the same-titled project, which began as a performance in the semi-public space of a copy shop. Whereas the infrastructure of a digital printer was appropriated in the first edition, employing the self-service mode to produce a limited series artists’ publication, the second edition of Pageworks operates not in the production but in the design mode of publishing. The serial and paired display windows of a former business premises in Vienna are staged by the participating artists as a page spread, as a thought model and architecture to publicly design a fictional artists’ publication and exhibit the act of publishing. Thematically, Pageworks is based on the assumption that original and copy are no longer conceived as temporally or hierarchically sequential in the post-digital age, rather as parallel, simultaneous, and equal – original and copy have merged into a new entity, and their interplay has become a decisive engine in contemporary art production.

Opening reception:
April 27, 2018 | 7 pm

István Antal, Aral Cimcim, Oscar Cueto, Twan Geissberger, Kyungrim Jang, Teuta Jonuzi, Ada Karlbauer, Mona Radziabari, Masha Sizikova, Anne-Clara Stahl, Bartholomaeus Waechter

Studio Steinbrener/Dempf & Huber
Glockengasse 6/1
1020 Vienna