”, ”, ”, — Footnotes

Exhibition and performances
March 10, 2018 – March 25, 2018

”, ”, ”, — Footnotes is the third in a series of experimentally designed exhibition formats. The show traces the act of copying as an omnipresent yet often invisible artistic practice at the intersection of the digital realm and analog world. As part of the arts-based research project originalcopy—Post-Digital Strategies of Appropriation, the exhibition serves as a test setting and working model for a re-evaluation of the dichotomy of original and copy from a post-digital perspective. Despite its culminating character as the third in a row of three events ”, ”, ”, — Footnotes is only conceived as a temporary manifestation, one in a series of possible manifestation forms. With three openings on three consecutive evenings, resulting in three modulated and reformulated exhibitions, the aim of this public reflection upon methodology is to define a realm of thought where current practices of copying are collected and presented and where their modalities can be analyzed by subjecting the copy itself to the act of copying.

Sebastian Gärtner, Ane Mette Hol, Wouter Huis, Joséphine Kaeppelin, Michael Kargl, Nika Kupyrova, Willem Oorebeek, Lisa Rastl,
 Stefan Riebel

Opening I:
March 7, 2018 | 6:00 pm

Opening II:
March 8, 2018 | 4:00 pm

Opening III:
March 9, 2018 | 2:00 pm

WIELS | Contemporary Art Centre
Av. Van Volxemlaan 354
1190 Brussels

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