Kenneth Goldsmith: Why Conceptual Writing? Why Now? 2011

Hugh Davies: A History of Sampling, 1996

Judith Butler: Excitable Speech, 1997

Stewart Home: Neoism. Plagiarism & Praxis, 1995

Hillel Schwartz: The Culture of the Copy, 1996/2014

Nicolas Bourriaud: Postproduction, 2002
Jean-François Lyotard: The Postmodern Condition. A Report on Knowledge, 1979

Juliane Rebentisch: The Contemporaneity of Contemporary Art, 2015

Debora J. Halbert: The State of Copyright. The Complex Relationship of Cultural Creation in a Globalized World, 2014.

Umberto Eco: The Open Work, 1962

Laura U. Marks: How Electrons Remember, 1999

Marisa Olson: Lost Not Found. The Circulation of Images in Digital Visual Culture, 2008

Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulation, 1981

Bruno Latour (and Adam Lowe): The Migration of the Aura – or How to Explore the Original Through Its Facsimiles, 2011

McKenzie Wark: Digital Provenance and the Artwork as Derivative, 2016

Michael Sanchez: Contemporary Art, Daily, 2011

Catherine Liu: Copying Machines. Taking Notes for the Automaton, 2000

Alessandro Ludovico: Post-Digital Print. The Mutation of Publishing Since 1894, 2012

Jacques Derrida: Signature Event Context, 1972

Michael A. Noll: The Digital Computer as a Creative Medium, 1967

Rosalind E. Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois: Formless. A User’s Guide, 1997

Hui Yuk and Andreas Broeckmann: 30 Years after Les Immatériaux: Art, Science, and Theory, 2015

David Joselit: After Art, 2013
Hito Steyerl: Circulationism, 2014

Brad Troemel: Peer Pressure, 2011

Jaques Derrida: Signature Event Context, 1972

Anna Nimus: Copyright, Copyleft and the Creative Anti-Commons, 2006

Giorgio Agamben: What is an Apparatus? And Other Essays, 2009

Lawrence Lessig: Code, 2006

Jorge Luis Borges: Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, 1939
Peter Weibel: The Post-Medial Condition, 2005

Kim Cascone: The Aesthetics of Failure, 2000

Boris Groys: Towards the New Realism, 2016

Stephen Wright: Toward a Lexicon of Usership, 2013

Roland Barthes: The Death of the Author, 1968

Walter Benjamin: The Task of the Translator, 1923
Raqs Media Collective: A Concise Lexicon Of / For the Digital Commons, 2003
Marshall McLuhan: The Gutenberg Galaxy. The Making of Typographic Man, 1962

Eduardo Navas: Remix Theory, 2012

David Joselit: Painting Beside Itself, 2009

Rosalind Krauss: “Informe” Without Conclusion, 1996

Peter Suber: Open Access, 2012

Hito Steyerl: Too Much World: Is the Internet Dead?, 2013

Marcus Boon: In Praise of Copying, 2010

Daniel Rubinstein, Katrina Sluis: A Life More Photographic. Mapping the Networked Image, 2008

Claire Bishop: Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship, 2012

Jan Verwoert: Living with Ghosts, 2007

Artie Vierkant: The Image Object Post-Internet, 2010

Roland Barthes: From Work to Text, 1971

Rosalind Krauss: “A Voyage on the North Sea.” Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition, 1999

Michalis Pichler: Statements on Appropriation, 2015

John L. Austin: How To Do Things With Words, 1955

Boris Groys: Multiple Authorship, 2005

David Joselit: What to Do with Pictures, 2011

Susan Blackmore: The Meme Machine, 1999

Gene McHugh: Post Internet, 2011